An Idiot's Tale

Official Website of Jayeeta Ghorai

An Idiot's Tale : Jayeeta Ghorai's official website. Blog, Book and Film Reviews, Travel, Publications and much more!

An Idiot's Tale

Cacography of a madcap story teller, JAYEETA GHORAI

Tell me not, in mournful numbers,
Life is but an empty dream!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, A Psalm of Life

Tell me NOT, in mournful numbers,
Life is BUT an e-m-p-t-y dream!
Tell me not, in mournful numbers...
Okay, maybe I should stop now.

Building my web home has got me supremely giddy, has had me trilling Longfellow hunched on the laptop for two days.

Tell me not... STOP!

Almost a year to the day I abandoned in a huff, I launched my new web home. It was far from ready, is still light years from perfection, which to my mind is non-achievable and a condition I've to learn to live with in all things.

It still is Mine. It is here!

Which. IS. A natty thing.

The impossibility of 'owning' anything in life reaches double degrees of absurdity in the context of cyber real estate.

Oh, let us be silly for a change. Let the mindless joy of being excitable for nothing seep from my soul into the world.

The absolute purposeless task of creating a new shelter for my misbegotten offsprings has tied me up like kitty in a ball of red wool. All cream and fudge, vanilla ice, circus tent, clear blue sky, mushy gushy. I can be seen tripping on mixed metaphors, caring a hoot where my language is going. THAT intense high of first love.

Forgive me, I've asked of my brain. For a person with extra-ordinary levels of unproductivity and zero achievement, the sheer pain of moving seventy three blogs and collating two years-worth of publications seems deserving of celebration.

Technology is a maze for me, but for the able hands of the "IT plumber" (his words, not mine) who shares my bed, sitting up to the wee hours next to me. Huddled over two machines side by side, we have been ploughing through our divided tasks in lock-jawed determination, our spines C-ed into orthopaedic specialists' nightmares.

Design, colour, RGB, font, Photoshop, image, DRM free, have been our staple diets for the last few days. Extreme hunger has driven him - not me, usually him - to the kitchen for quick-fix energy supplements. Exhausted, we have dropped to our pillows when the sun was poking the world awake.

This much of effort better be worth something.

Life, thou that be watching in amused silence - let this effort, if nothing else, count for something.

Till then... tell me not...


STOP I-T. Zip! Right NOW.



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