Left: (sigh)
Back: Eh, what now?
Left: (irritated and dejected) Nothing.
Forward: There you go again! First you begin and then leave it unsaid halfway.
Left: (protesting) But I didn't-
Back: No. No? Yeah, right!
Right: Stop badgering her for once. You seem like at war with yourself.
Forward: (annoyed) Tell us something new, pray?
Back: Who starts it? Look at her, now, all distracted and aloof.
Forward: If only she'd take us into confidence. Just for once.
Left: I-
Back, Forward: (in unison, eagerly) Yes?
Right: (looking sharp)
Left: My garrulity irritates me. Am trying to hold my tongue.
Forward: (muttering) There we go. Again.
Back: You? Holding your-? Hrumph, only from us!
Right: But don't you see? To speak is to trivialise.
Left: (perking up) Exactly. Somehow...I don't know, to put in words is to bring too much into the light.
Right: Some things are best left unsaid.
Back: Now don't you go borrowing her husband's stand. Isn't she the writer who says nothing is beyond words? That everything can be expressed?
Forward: (smirking) And the master communicator...she abhors communicating?
Right: She let slip a lot of emotions recently. Letting her words get away with her.
Left: (sigh, murmur) So uncomfortable.
Back: It is as if she's afraid of her voice.
Left: But I am! Almost...afraid...
Right: Yes, darling. You're painfully shy. We know.
Forward: (incredulous) So she'll shut her trap in redemption for that excess.
Left: (relapsed into silence, distracted)
Right: Too much attention, speaking up.
Left: (from far away, like in a dream) Too much I...too much self...oh don't you see?
Right: Yes. We're trying to be quiet here.
Left: To revert...
Right: To erase...
Forward: We are trying to slink out of existence...
Back: You are trying to recede into the shelter of the womb?
Left: (feverishly) To not exist...
Right: To speak is also a form of action. To speak is to birth your naked inner self to public glare. Words, ah, they draw attention.
Back: (indulgently) You've always broken silence like a torpedo, Leftie. That is your charm. Either nothing, or too much of passion.
Left: (sharp breath, a stifled cry almost)
Forward: But look here, you do have opinions.
Right: (almost inaudible) Too many of them.
Left: (crying out) How can I? Oh don't you see, I speak of Acceptance and hold opinions. I speak of Flexibility and have very strong preferences...
Back: But child, they are yours - your opinions...
Left: ...don't you see the hypocrisy?...
Back: But you don't ask anyone else to subscribe to them...
Forward: (contemptuous) To never hold an opinion is positively wishy-washy.
Left: But that's double standards!
Forward: Oh stop muddling yourself with standards! Theories! Neither here not there.
Left: (sigh, looking miserable)
Right: We all know we think, can't stop that machinery. She tries to gulp in her words so the outside has no clue what those thoughts are.
Back: Look here Leftie, are you happy?
Forward: With your life's choices, are you at peace?
Left: (looks up dreamily, beatific) Yes... (whispers) oh yes!
Right: Then it doesn't matter...
Back: ...if you speak or don't...
Forward: ...exactly! It doesn't...
Left: I'm going to die. Till then I'm going to live.
Right: There is no other way to exist.
Back: Look, honey, you at least have got the order correct. Most don't.
Forward: They die as they live. And in the moment of death, they suddenly sit up and struggle to come alive.
Right: You've nailed the essence. One trouble less.
Back: Self-effaciveness won't take you crawling to your mortality any faster. So stop feeling sorry for your outbursts, embrace yourself.
Left: (murmurs) It is such a relief, there is death.
Back: The panacea of existence.
Forward: I wish I could guarantee no rebirth as easily.
Left: No reincarnation. No more life.
Back: If only I was spared that.
Right: (lightly coughing) Perhaps we can leave off that discussion for another time?